The easy way to pick up women
the easyest way to pick up a woman is, look her right in the eye. DO NOT look at her legs, body, BOOBS, mouth. The only place you sould be looking is her eyes, when she looks back at you, give her a smile, nothing to big, just a normle smile. when she smiles back at you, say hi to her. This is the best way to pick up women, this shows them that your a nice guy, and your intrusted in them. Now if she looks away, she is a nice girl that wants nothing to do with you. But if she says hi back, that means that she does like you and wants to go out with you. So now that was the hard part, here comes the easy part. You've already looked at her in the eye and see looked at you back, so what do you say to her? Well the best thing about women is that, for the frist meeting and for the frist few dates, all they want to do is talk about themselfs. i've picked up women with only uesing 5-6 words. Trust me if you can have a woman start talking about herself, she'll go on for days.All you have to do at this ponit is ask her qustions about her, were is she from, do you come here alot, do you like this place, ( TIP - if you have nothing to say, talk about her ear rings, neckless, what ever she has on her ( but not her close ) say that it looks great on her, she'll love that. ) The best thing is to be yourself. Also the more you talk the easy it will be to ask her out ( just do not talk to her for an hour) ( TIP - when you are talking to her, do not talk alot about you, talk alot about them ask about movies, there pets, anything. ) ( TIP - DO NOT SAY - you have a hot ass, or somthing realy rude to her )