Were to find people

Now, the best place to find people is, well just about anywere, malls, stores, parks, buses, you name it. ( TIP - if you do not have a car try to pick up someone at a bus stop or on a bus, it is beter this way because it is hard to say that you have no car, and alot of woman will turn you down. trust me i know ) no one will ever find someone at home, the best thing to do is get off your ass and find someone right now. never say things like, " oh i'll do it later, or tonight, or tomorrow, the weekend would be the best time " no now is the best time to go out and find somebody. You can't sit a home thinking on what to do, were should i go, or what sould i say. After your done reading all of my blog, have a shower, and go out and find someone, becaues if you do not do it NOW you'll never do it.